
A macro for handling fickle (flaky) tests in rust.

f353f8d chore: release 0.3.0

~ryguy pushed to ~ryguy/fickle git

6 days ago

#2 allow specifying number of passes required

~ryguy commented on fickle todo

6 days ago


Handle fickle (flaky) tests in rust.


The primary api is to use the [fickle] macro attribute like this:

fn flaky_test() {
    // your test here

By default, it will re-run your test 1 time (if the first time fails). If you want to allow more than 1 retry you can specify that with the retries argument.

fn flakier_test() {
    // your test here

There is also the option of using the [Fickle] struct (which is what the macro expands to under the hood). This would look something like this

fn flaky_test() {
    let fickle = fickle::Fickle::default();
    let block: fn() -> () = || {
        // your test here