
A collection of utilities that help with de-centralized, simplified workflows

New hg repository added

2 years ago

New hg repository added

2 years ago

#Decentralized Development Tools

Centralization comes with many problems; the main one is that someone else controls your data.

This is a home for decentralized development tools. These tools exhibit some common features:

  • They are decoupled, working locally on a (possibly disconnected) computer
  • They store data in plain text, rather than relying on an opaque binary database
  • They're often small, and adhere to the Unix philosophy
  • They use standards, and the data they produce and consume is compatible with other tools

I'll happily accept patches to this README to add other projects; send them, and any comments or discussions, to the mailing list.


  • legume is a ticket tracking tool based on a developer habit of putting FIXME and TODO comments in sourcecode. It has no other database than the comments that developers have been putting in sourcecode for 60 years.
  • changelog, a shell script that takes output from a VCS and turns it into a changelog-style markdown file.
  • kanto is a Kanban tool that uses the widely popular todotxt file format
  • tdp configuration for todotxt to provide an interactive, fzf-based TUI
  • docs which has nothing to do with distributed tools, but with how many tools are being distributed.