
The Hare systems programming language


Discussions for Hare community members participating in marketing the Hare language


Mailing list for discussing proposals to change the Hare programming language.


Development mailing list for the Hare programming language. Use git send-email to send patches to this list. When preparing your patch, please edit the subject prefix to specify which repository you've prepared it for:

[PATCH harec v2] Add thing to stuff

Do not report security-related issues here. Email them to sir@cmpwn.com.


Mailing list for announcements relevant to downstream Hare distributions. All maintainers of downstream Hare packages are strongly encouraged to subscribe to this list and to hare-announce.


User mailing list for the Hare programming language. This is a good place to post questions related to Hare.


Low-volume announcements list for important changes related to the Hare project. All Hare users are advised to subscribe to this mailing list.