United States
My name is Daniil Rose; I am a Computer Engineering and German student at Penn State University, with a passion for Lisp, Rust, and hardware hacking.
All I need to make my machines usable, with an Emacs and Neovim based configuration.
My personal website including my CV, self-hosted on my homelab.
All my solutions through the years to advent of code, stored here and mirrored to GItHub @TheCatster.
Download songs from YouTube Music when added to a Spotify playlist, maintaining the structure of your Spotify playlists.
My progress through the official Android Developer and Kotlin certifications during GSHS '2021-2022.
8a908f8 Add my initial configuration
~thecatster pushed to ~thecatster/dwm git
cf1f408 Update various configs
~thecatster pushed to ~thecatster/.doom.d git
95aef77 Completely reimagine doom config
~thecatster pushed to ~thecatster/.doom.d git
bc6020e Remove company
~thecatster pushed to ~thecatster/.doom.d git
821f374 Update doom config
~thecatster pushed to ~thecatster/.doom.d git
fb7e1d3 Update Doom config
~thecatster pushed to ~thecatster/.doom.d git
d2cca97 Update LSP and LuaSnip config
~thecatster pushed to ~thecatster/nvim git
85714c6 Restructure 2022 again
~thecatster pushed to ~thecatster/advent-of-code git
2b3c92d Add 2022 day 1 in Rust
~thecatster pushed to ~thecatster/advent-of-code git
28d4619 Update for AoC 2022
~thecatster pushed to ~thecatster/advent-of-code git