dwm, alacritty, bash, emacs
c82cdb6 update for laptop
~tonijarjour pushed to ~tonijarjour/dotfiles git
f85d82c minor updates to mu4e config
~tonijarjour pushed to ~tonijarjour/dotfiles git
1642765 refresh rate to 120
~tonijarjour pushed to ~tonijarjour/dotfiles git
c9cf711 make mu4e install manual
~tonijarjour pushed to ~tonijarjour/dotfiles git
7246a28 remove krita from base install
~tonijarjour pushed to ~tonijarjour/dotfiles git
d807d89 remove nvim for vis
~tonijarjour pushed to ~tonijarjour/dotfiles git
1643411 remove tex gyre fonts
~tonijarjour pushed to ~tonijarjour/dotfiles git
7962bf9 revise readme; improve bash style
~tonijarjour pushed to ~tonijarjour/dotfiles git
8792933 add smtp; base mu4e setup done
~tonijarjour pushed to ~tonijarjour/dotfiles git
121b552 add mu4e mail client
~tonijarjour pushed to ~tonijarjour/dotfiles git
b99bb2b must make timesync dir
~tonijarjour pushed to ~tonijarjour/archinstall git