
dwm, alacritty, bash, emacs

afbc915 minor changes

12 days ago

c82cdb6 update for laptop

a month ago


Delete hidden files in the home directory to avoid a stow conflict.

rm ~/.bash*

Clone the dotfiles to a convenient location.

git clone --depth 1 https://git.sr.ht/~tonijarjour/dotfiles ~/.fn

cd is required. Edit install.sh as needed.

cd ~/.fn
bash install.sh


Install from the AUR.

s pacman -S debugedit fakeroot pkgconf isync
git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/mu.git
cd mu; makepkg -si

Make the mail directory then retrieve the emails.

mkdir -p ~/.local/mail/Inbox
mbsync -a

Initialize and index the mu database.

mu init --maildir=/home/toni/.local/mail --my-address=tonijarjour@posteo.com
mu index

#Thinkpad Mic Control LED

Disable with this command.

su -c 'echo none > /sys/class/leds/platform\:\:micmute/trigger'

#Vis Unreadable Highlight Fix

Edit /usr/share/vis/themes/base-16.lua as root and change these options.

lexers.STYLE_EMBEDDED = ''
lexers.STYLE_SELECTION = 'back:black,bold'