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~tpapastylianou pushed to ~tpapastylianou/chain-ops-octave git
aad0793 Describe chaining in README
~tpapastylianou pushed to ~tpapastylianou/chain-ops-octave git
Simple chaining of operations (a.k.a. pipe operator) in octave
There is no need for an elaborate pkg or fancy operator to do this.
It's a very simple function and looks perfectly clean to use. Here it is:
pkg load miscellaneous % provides reduce function
evalf = @(v, f) f{1}(v);
chain = @(v, varargin) reduce( evalf, varargin, v );
That's it!
add = @(x) @(y) x + y;
L = [4,1,8,8,11,-68,19,11,14,8,0,-67];
chain( L
, add(100)
, @char
, @tolower
, @strsplit )
# outputs:
# ans =
# {
# [1,1] = hello
# [1,2] = world!
# }
See also: Simple chaining of operations (a.k.a. pipe operator) in python