has been a very welcome breath of fresh air, and I am happy to be part of it.
Some times you can find me in #emacs on
The latest (and only public) iteration of my dotfiles.
A library to read/parse and write/insert individual Beancount transactions, implemented in Emacs Lisp.
Update Orgmode IDs externally and asynchronously, using find and grep.
An Elisp implementation of Rofi
Emacs ElDoc support for sh-mode (editing shell scripts).
8aa2695 Update installation notes
~trs-80 pushed to ~trs-80/dotfiles git
153378d Add note about using curl instead of wget
~trs-80 pushed to ~trs-80/dotfiles git
5641bf7 ansible: Move to private dotfiles repo
~trs-80 pushed to ~trs-80/dotfiles git
9bcb542 xfce: Remove all settings files
~trs-80 pushed to ~trs-80/dotfiles git
99ee3b0 beancount-txn.el: Fix some typos
~trs-80 pushed to ~trs-80/beancount-txn-elisp git
99ee3b0 beancount-txn.el: Fix some typos
~trs-80 pushed to ~trs-80/beancount-txn-elisp git
e472243 bin/ Git needs to be installed before we can use it!
~trs-80 pushed to ~trs-80/dotfiles git
5523524 Add todo states back into CUSTOM_IDs
~trs-80 pushed to ~trs-80/org-id-update-external git
4574ca1 Re-publish with recent changes
~trs-80 pushed to ~trs-80/org-id-update-external git
40a25c7 Add TODO: Implement run (and drun) like program launching modi
~trs-80 pushed to ~trs-80/rofi-in-elisp git
9328d17 Minor change to
~trs-80 pushed to ~trs-80/org-id-update-external git
9328d17 Minor change to
~trs-80 pushed to ~trs-80/org-id-update-external git
2c083a7 Change literal null (and similar) characters to escaped sequences
~trs-80 pushed to ~trs-80/org-id-update-external git