This is a simple appliance that intakes HTTP POST requests containing some content and converts it into an RSS feed. I built it to add visibility to some cron jobs on servers, as I would otherwise never really look at the logs. I needed a simple mechanism to send a read-it-whenever notification that didn't involve setting up SMTP servers nor some over-complicated observability service.
The workflow is as follows:
"subject": "Hello world",
"author": "",
"body": "Nothing to see here"
and that's it! The post will then be appended to your RSS feed and will show up in your reader the next time it's fetched.
post_rss comes with a small management console for managing and previewing feeds:
The easiest way to get started is to use docker-compose
. Add the following definition to your docker-compose.yaml
image: vesto/post_rss
- POST_RSS_PASSWORD=superSecretPassword
- BASE_URL=http://localhost:5000
- SECRET_KEY=[random 32 character string]
- DB_PATH=/var/post_rss.db
- ./post_rss.db:/var/post_rss.db
- 5000:5000
Once defined, spin up your server with docker compose up -d post_rss
, open http://localhost:5000
, type in your username/password, and you should be good to go. Note that you'll need to host this container somewhere that is visible to both your RSS reader and wherever you're calling the POST
API from.
You can also run the application as a standard Flask app; there's nothing special going on here that needs Docker:
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ flask -A post_rss run
If you'd like to hack on this, clone the repo and run it like so:
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ flask -A post_rss --debug run
You've probably already noticed that this project is a bit different than other open source projects you've interacted with. We're on SourceHut instead of GitHub! Not to fear though- if you're interested in reporting a bug you can send an email to the mailing list.
I'm pretty new to using SourceHut and haven't done much with git-email so let's see how this goes!
This is mostly for myself to remember how to push to the Docker hub:
$ docker build -t vesto/post_rss .
$ docker push vesto/post_rss
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3. More information can be found in the LICENSE.txt file.