North Carolina
Freelance engineer working to make portable GUIs easy and pleasant.
I'm one of Gio's two maintainers, and I focus on making the text and widget APIs great.
Some other fun projects:
If you get value out of my work, please consider sponsoring me on Liberapay or GitHub.
I am also available for hire.
Libraries to extend
Energy measurement tools and resources created by
Tree-based, user-respecting chat ecosystem
Self-hostable cross-platform multiplayer sci-fi strategy card game buit with gio
593c5fb text: round y offset of trailing newline
~whereswaldon pushed to ~eliasnaur/gio git
c005f2a outlay: multi list
~whereswaldon pushed to ~whereswaldon/gio-x git
a2b82be content/news: fix timestamp
~whereswaldon pushed to ~eliasnaur/giouiorg git
799dbfa content/news: add january newsletter
~whereswaldon pushed to ~eliasnaur/giouiorg git
cc20163 go.*: update to gio v0.8.0
~whereswaldon pushed to ~eliasnaur/gio-example git
cc20163 go.*: update to gio v0.8.0
~whereswaldon pushed to ~eliasnaur/gio-example git
9e809b8 go.*: tidy modules
~whereswaldon pushed to ~whereswaldon/gio-x git
9e809b8 go.*: tidy modules
~whereswaldon pushed to ~whereswaldon/gio-x git
bd638c2 go.*: update to gio v0.8.0
~whereswaldon pushed to ~whereswaldon/gio-x git
bd638c2 go.*: update to gio v0.8.0
~whereswaldon pushed to ~whereswaldon/gio-x git
8e47316 app: [Windows] suppress double-click behaviour for custom decorations
~whereswaldon pushed to ~eliasnaur/gio git
cd0e948 ci: bump go version to latest
~whereswaldon pushed to ~eliasnaur/gio-example git