
A command line tool for inspecting Edgetech JSF files

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goneplax is a command line tool for inspecting the contents of Edgetech JSF files containing data from sonars and associated sensors.


goneplax is written in Rust, so if you have cargo installed on your system, you should be able to install goneplax using

> cargo install --git https://git.sr.ht/~wkearn/goneplax


To inspect a single JSF file, run

> goneplax <filename>

replacing <filename> with the name of your JSF file.

goneplax outputs one line per JSF message, with colon-delimited fields. The output looks something like

System Information:0:0
Navigation Offsets:0:0
Sonar Data Message:20:0
Sonar Data Message:20:1
Sonar Data Message:20:0
Sonar Data Message:20:1
Pitch Roll Data:101:1
Unknown Message:102:0

The first field is the type of the message as listed in the file format documentation. Every message type not listed there is described as an "Unknown Message". The second field is the subsystem number. This is mostly useful in distinguishing between frequencies of multi-frequency sidescan systems, which will be labeled 20 and 21 (and higher numbers as needed). The third field is the channel number for a multi-channel subsystem. For Sonar Data Messages, channel 0 corresponds to the port channel and channel 1 to the starboard channel.

The output can be further processed as necessary. For example, counting how many of each message type a file contains can be done using

> goneplax <filename> | cut -d: -f1 | sort | uniq -c
      1 Navigation Offsets
  10389 NMEA String
  21569 Pitch Roll Data
  39210 Sonar Data Message
      1 System Information
   1662 Unknown Message

Calling goneplax with no file name will read from standard input.