AMQP toolset for the command line
edcf69f LineBuffering
~woffs pushed to ~woffs/haskell-amqp-utils git
aa75fac stack and nix flake update
~woffs pushed to ~woffs/haskell-amqp-utils git
28953a7 update stack build to lts-22.8 (ghc-9.6.4)
~woffs pushed to ~woffs/haskell-amqp-utils git
0210d88 update README
~woffs pushed to ~woffs/haskell-amqp-utils git
ee4b14d release
~woffs pushed to ~woffs/haskell-amqp-utils git
a9175f3 back to nightly! \o/
~woffs pushed to ~woffs/haskell-amqp-utils git
cd9ac66 make reuse happy, again
~woffs pushed to ~woffs/haskell-amqp-utils git
e6d935b make reuse happy, again
~woffs pushed to ~woffs/haskell-amqp-utils git
5d853fa make reuse happy again
~woffs pushed to ~woffs/haskell-amqp-utils git
4676181 re-create
~woffs pushed to ~woffs/haskell-amqp-utils git
e35b9dc fix REUSE comment in *.sh
~woffs pushed to ~woffs/haskell-amqp-utils git
155c88c add debian pandoc builddep
~woffs pushed to ~woffs/haskell-amqp-utils git
a78f623 install doc
~woffs pushed to ~woffs/haskell-amqp-utils git
d5286a8 re-create *.md
~woffs pushed to ~woffs/haskell-amqp-utils git
edcbcee manpages
~woffs pushed to ~woffs/haskell-amqp-utils git