
system configuration and dotfiles

7d404f1 update: flake.lock

~wq pushed to ~wq/dotfiles git

a day ago

1f55dd2 update: flake.lock

~wq pushed to ~wq/dotfiles git

5 days ago


builds.sr.ht status Docker Image Size (latest by date) Built with Nix

Configuration geared towards systems administration and development.


Initialize a bare repository with all files reset. Use the dgit alias for interacting with the repo.


git clone --bare https://git.sr.ht/~wq/dotfiles $HOME/.local/share/unix-dotfiles
alias dgit='git --git-dir=$HOME/.local/share/unix-dotfiles/ --work-tree=$HOME'
dgit status


git clone --bare git@git.sr.ht:~wq/dotfiles $HOME/.local/share/unix-dotfiles
alias dgit='git --git-dir=$HOME/.local/share/unix-dotfiles/ --work-tree=$HOME'
dgit status

⚠️ If any of the staged files shown in git status are marked as modified instead of deleted, this represents a conflict between a file in the repo and an existing local file. These should be backed up prior to proceeding further.

The missing files can now be reset and restored into the home directory.

dgit reset && dgit restore .


Run the following command to delete all git-tracked files and the underlying git store.

dgit rm -r . && rm -rf $HOME/.local/share/unix-dotfiles


All required packages and system config can be installed using Nix flakes with home-manager or nix-darwin depending on the specific system. It's still necessary to clone and install the dotfiles when using Nix.

# nix-darwin (local)
nix run nix-darwin -- switch --flake ~/nix-modules/#VXFU1FQV
# nix-darwin (remote)
nix run nix-darwin -- switch --flake 'sourcehut:~wq/dotfiles/?dir=nix-modules/#VXFU1FQV'

# home-manager (local)
nix run home-manager/master -- switch --flake ~/nix-modules/#development
# home-manager (remote)
nix run home-manager/master -- switch --flake 'sourcehut:~wq/dotfiles/?dir=nix-modules/#development'

Supported systems: ["x86_64-linux" "aarch64-linux" "x86_64-darwin" "aarch64-darwin"]


A linux development container with these dotfiles and required tools is also provided.

docker run -it --rm execweave/development


These configs are intended for the following software and applications

Category Application
OS macOS, Linux
Terminal WezTerm
Editor Helix
Shell fish
WM yabai